Opening The Vocabulary of Neural Language Models with Character-Level Word Representations
a opening-vocabulary neural language model by Matthieu Labeau and Alexandre Allauzen in LIMSI-CNRS / Orsay, France
Embedding, RNN and so on
a opening-vocabulary neural language model by Matthieu Labeau and Alexandre Allauzen in LIMSI-CNRS / Orsay, France
A new method for NMT by Shenjian Zhao in Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Zhihua Zhang in Peking University
A mode for reading comprehension created by Zhilin Yang, Bhuwan Dhingra, Ye Yuan, Junjie Hu, William W. Cohen, Ruslan Salakhutdinov in CMU
a character level language modeling created by Pavol Bielik, Veselin Raychev & Martin Vechev in Department of Computer Science
One way about the sentence embedding by Xin Zheng(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Zhenzhou Wu(SAP)